Emergency Services in France

Medical help/SAMU: Telephone- 15

Police (Police Nationale – Gendarmerie):
Telephone- 17
Fire & Accident / Sapeurs Pompiers: Telephone- 18

The caller must provide:
  1. Name and contact number.
  2. Location.
  3. Reason to contact
  4. Number of people who need help

European SOS 112

The number 112 is for the whole of Europe. The number will help you get emergency services in France as well. One can dial it to get emergency services like medical, fire and police – from anywhere in Europe. One can dial the number from a telephone (landline, pay phone or mobile cellular phone). It is a free-to-dial number, and one can use it in any life-threatening situation, such as:

  1. Critical care (accident, unconscious person, severe injuries, chest pain, seizure)
  2. To control fire (house, car)
  3. Share information like name, contact number, location, reason to contact and number of individuals who need help once the call is answered.


SAMU is the main emergency services provider in France. It is a part of the public hospital system of France. One can contact SAMU by dialling 15. For fire and accident related assistance, dial 18. And for any other emergency services, dial 112. Usually, the operators answer in English, but not always. So, it is good to be ready with a few French vocabs.

Achères Health Center

General Medicine
Contact No.: 0178632260
Address: 8 rue Maurice Berteaux 78260 Achères.

English French
Help me Aidez moi
Accident Un accident
I had an accident j'ai eu un accident
Unconscious Perdre conscience
Bleeding Hémorragie or Saignement
English French
Burn Brûlure
Need a doctor Besoin d’un médecin
Need an ambulance Besoin d’une ambulance
Fire Feu
The house is on fire La maison est en feu